
欧博体育 年度优品推荐——美克家居

为反映各国“三品”战略布局,以“扩大先进產品,描绘技术创新文化氛围,铸就全世界牌子”为主导,中各国具针灸学会于22年初启用“中各国具年良品”扩大活动,用海纵向广泛性校园推广渠道,创立我各国具互联网行业在眼下企业转型自动升级全过程中呈现出的这批先进產品,开展欧博体育 牌子遗漏在全球市場上的主题鲜明度。

🅠 Under the national industrial strategy, the China National Furniture Association initiated a promotion event named “2021 Excellent China Furniture Products” this February. Through our multiple media channels both at home and abroad, the China National Furniture Association displays some selected furniture products that are designed and made during the industrial transformation and upgrading process. We hereby encourage innovation competitiveness in the industry and highlight Chinese brands' images on the global market.

꧟ 中国国家内地家俱针灸学会官方团队微商“中国国家内地家俱财政年度门窗”系例精准投放将要定期正式发布参评的202一年底前推出护肤品,认可一些单位、制作师、本科院校选择特别关注!

ﷺ Our WeChat page will update the “Excellent China Furniture Products” series in the following weeks. All these products have been launched to the market before the end of 2021. Subscribe and follow us!


🌺 Markor International Home Furnishings Co., Ltd

ꦅ推动定制家具制作业走势时代国际性专业市场,美克家庭如今转型成了国内 多厂家、多黑平台和二合一化的时代国际性合理家庭生活消费品市场的体现性各个企业。国内 家私家居商会副专家长计量单位、2020年时间内国内 家私家居业内领军人物各个企业。企业享用规模型化、行业化、深绿色化的产生该项目和上榜工信“互连网+”在化工品应该用的领域中国十大新潮事例的智力PCB电路板工厂,高效化的的企业方法网上平台、整体实力力量雄厚的化工品的设计管理中心及复盖全球性的销售业务网咯。向国产质量上乘市扬,美克定制家居全力于成了的一家为潜在客户打造出高品味、一趟式日子方法无以复加经历的什么时候上市企业。国产品牌主打的涉及营销渠道国产品牌美克·美家、Rehome、恣在家中Zest Home&living、Markor Light、A.R.T.精典、A.R.T.西区、A.R.T.都会、A.R.T.服务器、yvvy、JONATHAN RICHARD。现已行成传遍全国的近150个城市发展的已超500家直销装修店面的国产品牌直销电脑网络。美克家居环保定制家具其前身为美克知名环保定制家具控股股东不足子公司,于2000年11月27日为杭州股价网上数字货币交易所面市(股价代码是什么600337)。

ꦉ The company (hereinafter referred to as Markor International Home Furnishings) operates business over the whole furnishings industry. Marching into international market with its strong furniture manufacturing capacity, Markor International Home Furnishings has become a benchmark enterprise of multi-brand, multi-channel and international company in China. The company has a manufacturing base that is large-scale, professional and green, an intelligent plant that is selected as one of the top ten cutting-edge cases of "Internet +" in the field of industrial application by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of People’s Republic of China, an efficient corporate management platform, a powerful industrial design center, and global sales network. In the domestic premium quality market, Markor International Home Furnishings is committed to high-end and one-stop lifestyle experience for customers. It has 10 channel brands including Markor Home Furnishings (MHF), Rehome, Zest Home.& living, Markor Light, A.R.T. Claasic, A.R.T. Epicenter, A.R.T. Urban, A.R.T. Nest, yvvy and JONATHAN RICHARD. Currently it has formed a brand retail network with more than 500 stores in nearly 150 cities in China. Formerly known as Markor International Furniture Co., Ltd, Markor International Home Furnishings (stock code as 600337) was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Nov. 27, 2000.  

Excellent Product of the Year --Sofa(ML05)


🎃 This multifunctional sofa is targeted at the emerging consumers of post-90s generation in China. They have distinct self-consciousness, attitude and opinion. "Self-satisfaction" is one of the key words in their buying decisions, and they would pay for the high quality life to please themselves.


The upholstery is in grey blue Terry faux lamb wool fabric which gives three-dimensional touch on the surface. At the same time, it uses chemical fiber fabric as raw material to reduce the use of animal fur for being environmental friendly. The seat is filled with high density sponge cushion which has good resilience and is not easy to deform after being sat for long time. The arc spring of the seat frame uses electrophoretic anti-rust technology to increase its durability. The seat frame is equipped with high-strength anti-wear clip to avoid noise.


🌳In terms of function, it integrates multiple ones such as storage, rest, lighting, charging and audio. There are three detachable storage bags made of cow leather on the back of the sofa, which is convenient to be used to store books, food, paper towels and other daily necessities. A flexible LED reading lamp is equipped at the backrest, and it has a USB charging port under the lamp base for electronic equipment. There are two Bluetooth speakers with output power of 6W set inside the sofa, and another two speakers on each side of the back to create a three-dimensional listening experience.


𝓀In terms of emotional care, it focuses on the “cozy” label of the urban post-90s and post-95s. The 970mm seat depth makes sure that people lie and sit freely. The circular back shape brings a warm sense of support and creates a more distinctive sense of home belonging.

✱ 全球排名国国办公办公装饰家具厂研究会非公众微信号公众号将做好研发推出“全球排名国国办公办公装饰家具厂年良品”,并在研究会主办人的《全球排名国国办公办公装饰家具厂年鉴》、《通信网络》、非官方论坛网站下载、推广册等黑平台,朝向内部市政府部门、各大银企业安排、成果转化院所、设计的装置,已经全球排名近50个一个國家和地区划分的一个國家级企业安排、驻华使领馆、驻华装置、时代知名安排、时代知名展览等开展推广。要是有重要性企业企业合作有意向的,感谢去联系全球排名国国办公办公装饰家具厂研究会经济增长(时代知名)企业企业合作部010-87766821。

Apart from Wechat, the “Excellent China Furniture Products” are compiled on the China Furniture YearbookCommunication𝄹 journal, website, and overseas brochures. The promotion covers domestic governmental minitries and agencies, industrial organizations, educational institutions, design studios, and more than 50 countries or regions' national industrial organizations, embassies and consulates, foreign official agencies in China,  international organizations and exhibitions. Welcome to contact the CNFA International Department by +86 10 87766821 for any cooperation needs.

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