
欧博体育 年度优品推荐——多少
为异常地区“三品”战略重点,以“介绍优良產品,融入研发学习氛围,铸就地球加盟品脾”为核心准则,中地区具促进会于2023年初发动“中地区具全年度尚品”品脾宣传工程,经由海外内非常广泛平台,开发我地区具企业在到现阶段企业转型加剧步骤中呈现出的一部分优良產品,进一步强化国内 加盟品脾附号在知名贸易市场上的鲜明独特度。
Under the national industrial strategy, the China National Furniture Association initiated a promotion event named “Excellent China Furniture Products of the Year” this February. Through our multiple media channels both at home and abroad, the China National Furniture Association displays some selected furniture products that are designed and made during the industrial transformation and upgrading process. We hereby encourage innovation competitiveness in the industry and highlight Chinese brands' images on the global market.

Our WeChat page will update the “Excellent China Furniture Products of the Year” series in the following weeks. All these products have been launched to the market before the end of 2021. Subscribe and follow us!

作为中国原创家具品牌的代表之一,「多少MoreLess」一直在探索当代中国人生活空间的营造方式。她藉由科技和人文设计而成,必能滋养中国人家庭的天伦。同时,“多少”也以简洁诚实的方式在思辨,“洼则盈,敝则新,少则得,多则惑”。她既中庸又特异,正如欧博体育 自己以及周围的世界。
As one of the leading original furniture design companies in China, MoreLess is dedicated to exploring and innovating the way contemporary Chinese change how they build their living spaces. MoreLess' designs are inspired by a combination of technology and humanity and filled with the wisdom of aesthetics for enriching the lives of Chinese families. Along the way, MoreLess also ponders and reflects traditions with a simple but honest style, upholding the wise insight that “to be hollow is to be filled, to be worn out is to be renewed, to have little is to have more and to have too much is to be confused.” The brand represents the traditional Chinese Confucian spirit of holding a happy medium while pursuing a distinctive individuality. The designs resemble the modern feeling of our own personal world balanced by an awareness of our place in the greater world around us. We embrace moderation while stand unique.

Excellent Product of the Year -- 【LOU】Bookshelf

Designer: Lou Yongqi

Twenty years ago, industrial production in China was not well developed, so the designer made the original prototype of the LOU bookshelf by hand. It was born in the designer’s passion for architecture and the understanding of furniture design. Bookshelf proved its durability after long term usage. The designer refined it and introduced it to the market 20 years later, wishing users will create various story-lines with LOU bookshelf.

The edge profile of the LOU bookshelf is curving like a closed book. Stainless steel wires and extruded aluminium beams make a large size bookshelf stable structure and become an “indoor architecture”. The hollowed shelf design brought it to a space divider.

欧博体育 家俱业内针灸学会会员非官网朋友圈将开展开售“欧博体育 家俱每年良品”,并在业内针灸学会会员承办的《欧博体育 家俱年鉴》、《通讯设备》、非官网的网站、宣全册等方式,向我国大陆政府部门部门、各业业聚集开展、研究院所、设计构思中介中介机构,并且 全.球近50个一个国家地区和省份的一个国家地区级业内聚集开展、驻华使领馆、驻华中介中介机构、全国聚集开展、全国工业展等采取宣全。烦请相应的相互合作的意料之外,喜欢联络欧博体育 家俱业内针灸学会会员经济发展(全国)相互合作的部010-87766821。
Apart from Wechat, the “Excellent China Furniture Products of the Year” are compiled on the China Furniture Yearbook, Communication journal, website, and overseas brochures. The promotion covers domestic governmental minitries and agencies, industrial organizations, educational institutions, design studios, and more than 50 countries or regions' national industrial organizations, embassies and consulates, foreign official agencies in China,  international organizations and exhibitions. Welcome to contact the CNFA International Department by +86 10 87766821 for any cooperation needs.
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